Friday 8 September 2017

              A teaching scenario for the Frame "Scholarship as Conversation"
I'm a grade 12 educator, teaching life orientation

Topic: Should marijuana be legalised?
 Learning outcomes:

1. Students will be able to cite the contributing work of others in their own knowledge production, whilst also recognising information sources as conversational.

2. Students will be able to critically evaluate contributions made by others in a participatory information environment.

3. Students will be able to recognize that the given discussions may not represent the only nor majority view on the topic, also that it is an ongoing discussion.
  Activity 1- I will ask two guests speakers, a rehabilitated drug addict and a Rastafarian (Pro- Dagga activist), to come and speak to students (grade 12) about marijuana use. With a question and answer session after their presentations. The students will be asked to write a brief essay about the topic and to swop their essays with fellow students, who will comment on their essay and return it back.

          Activity 2- The class will be divided into groups of 3-4, whereby each group will design a poster. The poster should indicate why they think Marijuana should be legalised or not. This they will do after I have given them academic articles that represents opposing views of the debate and why certain beliefs encourage marijuana use. The students will also watch a Youtube video with regards to the ongoing debate. The various groups must do a poster presentation to the class about their views, which must be exhaustive and convincing.

Activity 3- Each student will create a twitter account, whereby they will express their views, in a scholarly manner, on whether marijuana should be made legal or not. The students will be supplied with material that represents opposing views of the argument and why certain beliefs encourage marijuana use. They must also comment on 3 or more of their fellow students tweets that relates to the topic. 

How does it relate to knowledge practice?
With regards to activity 1: Students will listen to 2 speakers giving opposing views about the issue and will appropriately cite them, the students will also learn about why marijuana is illegal. . The speakers will give the students appropriate information that relates to the issue as they are qualified to do so. This transfer of information between the students and speakers, also amongst the students themselves (with comments on each others essays), will contribute to their knowledge production and will also make the students realise the consequences of addiction. Furthermore, students will realise that a conversation is also an information source.
With regards to activity 2:The dialogue/debate between students doing their poster presentations, and the information shared will be critically evaluated by all participants involved in this information environment
With regards to activity 3: The students will acknowledge the contribution of others to their knowledge production, whilst also learning about other religious beliefs. The students will also realize that no view present the majority or only view about the contentious issue and that the discussion is continuous.
With regards to activity 1: Students will be having a conversation with people considered experts in their field or having some knowledge (via material) of the topic. Students will be able to make reference to their sources of knowledge production, whilst also recognising information sources as conversational.
With regards to activity 2: The students might be consumers of knowledge, but they will also be contributing to their existing knowledge base as they will give critical  views, opinions and criticism of each others poster presentations. this will be done in an environment that encourages participation and self expression.
With regards to activity 3: They will also observe that knowledge production is not confined to the classroom, but can also take place in the World Wide Web. The students will realise that their is not only one perspective, but many, and that no perspective seems to represent the only or majority view about the issue. Also, with time, opinions and views change  The students will soon realise that it is an ongoing discussion.
 Image result for scholarship as a conversation cartoon


  1. Great idea having the two speakers, one pro and one anti drug use. It allows students to formulate their own opinions on why they condone or condemn drug use rather than force an opinion on them

  2. Good work Osman. I have to fault you in the learning outcomes though. The knowledge practices should have formed part of this. I do like you creative activities and it shows that you can apply the Frame well.

  3. I agree Ozzy, it is truly out of the box thinking.
